GRE Offer for GMAT Test-takers

GRE is one test for Graduate, Business, and Law school. If you have a low GMAT score, register now for the GRE and get 25% off on your GRE test registration.

Get 25% Off

Steps to avail the offer

Following are the steps to avail of the offer:

  • Step 1: Fill out the form below to avail the offer.
  • Step 2: Enter the required details including your GMAT ID and GMAT score report.
  • Step 3: After successfully verifying your shared details, the ETS India team will share the GRE exam registration voucher via
  • Step 4: After receiving the voucher, register for the GRE.
  • Step 5: Before payment, use the voucher code to avail the discount on the test fee.
  • The voucher code will be valid for GRE test booking done till Feb 28th, 2025, and test taken till June 30, 2025.

Kindly fill the form to avail the offer

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